Saturday, January 18, 2014

Mia Maid Class Planner

I love serving in the Young Women's organization!  It has been my most favorite calling by far.  Anyone in this calling knows how important it is to stay organized.  I know that when I am organized our activities are of higher quality and our lessons are filled with the spirit.  One of the things I feel that is stressed by the leaders of the church is helping the girls become better leaders.  I mean, Mia Maids are only a few years from being able to serve missions.  So I try so hard to let the girls be in charge.  I have been searching for a long time to find a planner that would help my our Mia Maids run their presidency meetings following the guidelines of the handbook without too much of my intervention.  I could not find anything I liked, so decided to create one myself.  I printed it double sided and had it bound.  I had mine bound by a neighbor, but I think its only a couple of dollars to bind at Office Depot or Office Max.  I hope this helps someone else.

You can find it here.  Mia Maid Class Planner

Monday, January 31, 2011

Best part about the snow we got today!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Warm Weather & My Garage

Its the end of January and we have had the best winter weather. The sun has been shining and you can't see your breath when you are outside. Its a beautiful thing! Last week we even BBQ'd--it was the best. I have been especially grateful for the warmer weather because of my garage. My garage is full of stuff. When we finished the basement we moved all of the stuff from the basement to the garage. I am almost embarrased to open the garage door because it looks like we belong on an episode of "Hoarders". In the meantime my van has to sit in the driveway until we haul all the junk away. The bad part is that when it gets cold the doors freeze shut. Even better than that if I try to open the sliding door behind the driver seat it will open just a crack, but will not shut again. So, I end up driving kids to school with my baby on my lap and all the lights in the car on. I am SOOOOOOOO grateful for my garage and an unfrozen car in the winter. I never realized how much until I didnt have it. Next winter I am going to smile everytime I look in the garage and see my van. :}

Friday, January 7, 2011

Happy to be a Super Star

I am going to start out with an easy one. I am grateful for my baby! He is the sunshine in my life. I love all my children, but McKay makes it all worth it. He doesnt talk back, he doesnt complain, he doesn't fight with his brothers or sister, and he smiles at me like I am a super star. I love being so important! I wish this stage would never end!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Word for 2011

Inspired by a talk given by Henry B. Eyring I have decided that my word for 2011 is RECOGNIZE. I need to take time to recognize God's kindess in my life. In spite of my inability to be a good blogger I am going to (or at least attempt to) blog each day this year with this thought in my mind:

Have I seen the hand of God reaching out to touch me or my family today?

My life is just too busy to stop and see the good. I have become cynical and most of the time just see my trials instead of my blessings. I am eager to start this year with a new outlook.

I have decided to make my blog private so I can express sincerity with just a few and not the whole world. If you would like to view my blog just let me know.

Monday, July 20, 2009

School Portraits

Can you believe how fast this summer is flying by? What happened to June?
Well, if you are getting ready for the new school year like I am you need to check out the fantastic deal that I am offering on school portraits.

You will receive a CD with 5 images of your child to print as you would like for only $15!!!!

Check out
for more information!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Our Memorable Weekend

This weekend Nathan and I got away without kids. It was our first getaway (for more than an afternoon or evening) in years. We didnt go far, but it felt like we were. We spent our weekend in St. George. It was nice! Our relaxing weekend included:

a very nice hotel. A friend of Nathan suggested La Quinta. We were skeptical, but read the reviews and thought we would try it. They are reasonably priced and have great accomadations. I was impressed!

holding hands at the movies. We saw the new Star Trek movie. I am not a Star Trek fan, but the previews intrigued me and I have to say this movie was pretty good! We both gave it a thumbs up!

lots of yummy food. On Friday evening we took a drive to a small town called Pine Valley to eat at a 5 star steakhouse. That was the best steak I have ever had! We also got to have an In-N-Out burger which Nathan enjoyed so much that he had to have another. We also indulged in a Cranberry Coke from Sonic!

an hour massage. SO NICE!!!

shopping at the outlets. I found tons of bargains (.99 cent bargains) at The Children's Place and $1 flip-flops for everyone from Old Navy.

and a visit to the St. George Temple. We spent about an hour just sitting on a bench in front of the temple just enjoying the peace. It was nice just being together and enjoying each others company.

It was only three days, but it was long enough to relax and spend time with my sweetie! We are already planning our next one. Does anyone have any suggestions of a great cruise?